Who is the boyfriend or girlfriend in the network?

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For those, who have fun, which will be next to you, even in the most difficult times, who will remain faithful to you, even when the whole world turns its back on you. One who embraces the right moment, to share a glove in the winter, if you lose you? Togo, who will tell you the truth, who is pleased with your victory, who knows about you even more than you, did. At least, before a true friend is called a man. With the development of the Internet, the rise in popularity of social networking, the term "friend" with which you can visit bbw chatroom for fun, greatly simplified, even devalued. On the one hand, the Internet allows us to overcome the hundreds and thousands of kilometers, giving us unlimited freedom and ability to communicate.

Is it possible in such conditions, a true friendship?

Let's try to speculate what is friendship on the Internet?

1. Friending in a social network. I deliberately do not call this a full-fledged version of friendship, because it is not even remotely reminiscent of the valuable relation of people to each other. When a user adds a friend little known or even completely unfamiliar to him the people (for the number to increase "social rating"). With such a "Friend" may be months, or even years not to correspond, not interested in the fact that they are worried that interested, not to mention about the full communion. You can also check out this top 10 webcam girls list.

2. Hobby friendship on a thematic forum. Are you keen on modeling, crafts, computer games or you love to cook? For every hobby there are now numerous themed online forums and internet community. Very often, against the background of similar interests, people feel sympathy for each other, moving to a warmer and close communication on the web.

3. Blog-friendship. If not treated blogofriending and membership for top bloggers, the friendship, down on blogs and vlogs (video blogs) closest in semantic filling a real classic friendship. The other entries are selected regardless of beauty, status, utility, etc. Usually relations develop meaningful and empathy. Sometimes people are visiting sites like anywebcam.com.

4. Friendship gamers. When you play any online game or gaming application in the Internet social network, you and other gamers, there are certain relations between allies or opponents. Companions are often combined into clans, as a rule, not only helping to promote each other through the game's plot, but discussing politics, sports, news, etc., sharing their opinions, experiences, comments. Thus begins a friendship gamers on the web and continues it all the time, yet relevant.

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