
Ways to Rekindle the Passion in Your Marriage

They say that time makes the heart grow fonder, but love does not always maintain passion over time on its own. It takes effort from both people to keep a relationship passionate and wonderful. Many aspects of life shift over time, as people purchase homes, have children, get promotions at work, and more. There are many ways that people can rekindle the passion in relationships and marriage. One of the first steps is to realize that your partner is not a mind reader. Approach your partner about your needs and wants, talk about dreams, and do it in a respectful and non-pursuing manner.


How to Survive a Long Distance Relationship

Long-distance relationships can be very tricky. There can often come a lot of questions about whether or not a relationship is worth pursuing with what can be considered an added hassle. Thankfully, many long-distance relationships work out quite well and many end up in marriage, lifelong relationships and friendships, and more.


How to Avoid the Pursuer-Distancer Pattern in Your Relationship

It is absolutely true that some relationship styles are more likely to end in divorce than others. The pursuer/distancer relationship is one of the most likely types of relationships to end in divorce. Unfortunately, it can sometimes take two people to identify the problems in the relationship and take action to resolve and avoid these patterns. When one person is pursuing conversations, and the other is actively avoiding them, tensions can rise. When left unresolved, this type of relationship style can also affect other relationships as well.


Types of Couples

Professionals often categorize people who are dating into five different types of couples. Three of the relationship types are considered to be healthy, and two of them are much less likely to be happy for long periods. Many couples who are unhappy stay in relationships that are unhealthy, though many are able to improve their relationship and learn how to grow in their love and happiness with their current partners.


Rules for a Successful Second Marriage

Many couples are fortunate to have a second opportunity for love and marriage. People look at a second marriage as another chance for happiness, but from a statistical point of view, the divorce rate per second marriages is higher than the divorce rate for first marriages. Many people do not learn how to adjust behavior or to accept that people have baggage when they are moving from one relationship to the next. Sometimes people bring unhealthy baggage, trust issues, and patterns to new relationships.


Staying friends after an affair? What does she want?

The concept of staying friends after the collapse of a romantic relationship has been around for a while now and this proposition has its pros and cons depending upon the nature of your breakup, your emotional stability, and your ex-partners emotional stability. So if you are wondering what your former partner wants when she insists on staying friends after an affair, this article could very well help you find the answers. Read further to know more in our adult webcamchat blog.


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