Addiction to sex, causes and symptoms

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Sexual dependence can involve a wide variety of behaviors. Sometimes an addict has problems with a single unwanted behavior, sometimes with several. Learn more with our blog and enjoy our best webcam sites.

A large number of sex addicts say that their unhealthy use of sex has resulted in a progressive process. It usually starts with an attachment to masturbation, pornography (print or electronic) or a relationship, but over time has progressed to include increasingly dangerous behaviors. The essence of all dependence is the total lack of control over compulsive behavior that leads the addict to an unmanageable life. The addicted person has no control and feels shame, pain and hatred towards him. He may want to stop, but repeatedly he fails to do so. Lack of capacity to manage their own lives can be evident in the consequences of addicts: lost relationships, difficulties at work, arrests / detentions, economic problems, loss of interest in non-sexual matters, lack of self-esteem and a sense of desperation. The sexual preoccupation occupies tremendous amounts of energy. The behaviors that they carry out go from the "ligue", the search of pornography in the network or to walk through the park in search of sporadic sexual relations. When one "acts" there is a total negation of emotions usually followed by despair and shame, or there is a feeling of confusion and a total lack of hope.

Signs of sexual dependence

We will define sex addiction as any sexual behavior in which the individual experiences:

  • Lost of control.
  • Abstinence syndrome.
  • Strong psychological dependence.
  • Loss of interest in other activities.

Other characteristics of sex addiction are:

  • A strong desire with inability to control it.
  • Frequent concern about sexuality.
  • You have more sexual behaviors than you want.
  • Much of the time spent searching for sexual activity.
  • Restlessness or irritability if the behavior cannot be performed.

Cognitive Distortions: "No one will love me for who I am", "My needs will never be satisfied if I have to depend on others", "Sex is my most important need", "I am a bad person and unworthy", "I will always be alone or I will feel alone, "" My body is shameful, defective or repulsive. "

Addictions parallel to sexual dependence

Within the addiction to sex we will have to contemplate two other addictions that are closely related, and which present the following differential characteristics:

Addiction to the erotic phone

  • Great environmental availability.
  • Total intimacy to conduct behavior.
  • Immediate reinforcement.
  • Perception of control.
  • Strong emotional tension and psychophysiological activation.
  • Addiction to cybersex (sex on the internet, by sites like bbw cams)

Sleep deprivation.

  • Abandonment of obligations and hobbies.
  • Reproaches due to the use of the network.
  • Constant thoughts on the Internet.
  • Inability to control by oneself.
  • Psychomotor agitation.
  • Anxiety.
  • Obsessive thoughts.
  • Fantasies or dreams.
  • Tic typing.

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