No secrets: how to learn to say no

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Describes how to be mistress of the situation and learn to say "no" to colleagues, bosses, friends, or teachers in all situations. Say yes - make a pleasant companion. Very often we use this technique in order to please the boss, new colleagues, a teacher. The motive is natural and clear: I want to avoid conflict, elicit sympathy, please girlfriend. At that moment, when we agree, we have not flashed before my eyes a series of actions to be performed in order to fulfill the promise. Somehow, it seems to us that, if the boss will hear: "No, it is impossible", - he will treat us worse. However, if you think about what a good leader chooses his staff more competent than himself, just to hear new ideas; it definitely will not expect permanent hypocrisy. And some general interviews separately verified the ability to defend their point of view. And if the candidate agrees to immediately interview is considered to be unsuccessful. Anna Wintour constantly emphasizes in his interviews, he does not like when the staff around her agree. It is much more interesting to work with people who know how to defend their point of view and are not afraid to express their opinions. Learn more with our best webcam sites blog.

Take a break

If a question or problem is not offense to you - you need time to think. Use this time it is possible that to understand what arguments are important to answer "no."

Think about what the purpose of the source

For example, the chief asks you to move the holiday for a month. Maybe he just did not want to think about who will do the work in your absence. Consider whether you can take it on them. In this case, the refusal to hear is a more constructive way. Tired on work? Relax with smut cams.

Saying "no" often prevents fear

Fear that you will have less respect and love, and you will lose credibility in the eyes of the authorities, spoiling life. Margaret Thatcher urged to stop being afraid, because most of the things we fear never happen. If fear still does not let go, imagine a few scenarios in the event of your failure. Which one is the worst? What does it lead? Perhaps endpoint will be a conclusion that you will no longer be considered and respected. If you have done all the steps, we realized that nothing bad from your failure will not be happen, but I still cannot say "no" to the boss, try to play a role-playing game. Ask a friend, a friend, colleague or mother to play the role of leader or the person to whom you will give up. After a few rehearsals, you will not be so scared. Think about in what ways you are the person to whom you want to deny. This partnership? This head-subordinate relationship? This friendly relationship? In any of these combinations should be respected generally win-win: win, both only when going to meet each other and want to cooperate. How this cooperation is characteristic of the two parties involved in a relationship? And if your refusal is connected with unwillingness to cooperate on the other hand, it may be worthwhile to step back and clearly define its interests and to clarify the interests of the other side. If you've never said no in difficult and uncomfortable situations, remember that the drift is much easier than to go against him.

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