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These men have no moral prohibitions on infidelity because they believe that the courage proved a large number of sexual relations. Treason for them - it's exciting, but short-term adventure. Capable of long-term relationship with wife, such a man will change, but is unlikely to leave the family, since it is not tied emotionally to their mistresses. Check out our cam sites.


 This romantic man, inclined to believe that no woman is able to understand and appreciate it to the end. But it is always looking for a woman, giving her features an unattainable ideal. Often disappointed, it passes from marriage to marriage, or simply "looking", returning always to his wife. Any web cam is one of the most amazing webcam sites today!


 This type of socially active men who are interested in everything new in life. The trend towards new knowledge - this is a normal tendency, observed in different areas of human activity (tourism, pursuit of knowledge for career growth, etc...). Sexual orientation of interest –is only one of the lines. These men have high vitality, they are sociable, brave and capable of self-giving. Men of this type are able to resist the treason - for a long time, they can stop the feelings for his wife and the duty, the desire to prevent the conflicts that threaten the family. But if they are still on their way, then most likely, it will be mid-term communication, built on the interest to his mistress, not only as a sexual object, but also as a person. Our bbw chat rooms are really awesome!


This is a solid player man socially and emotionally mature. In marriage, it may not make a sexual relationship (frequency, quality or simply their familiarity). As a rule, it has a long-term relationship "on the side", which can last for years. Stopping one link, soon gets another, but not exchanged "small things." At the same time a man behaves responsibly and respectfully towards his wife and children. He tries not emotionally attached to his mistress, and, moreover, is looking for a woman of the same type to "solid game" was a two-way and brought no nasty surprises that can interfere with family life. It conceals its relationship and inclined to deny it, if it is accidentally revealed. As you can see, these types cover almost the entire male population. Therefore, the likelihood of betrayal, alas, always remains.

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