6 actors' practices, with which you will learn how to express your emotions

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1. The technique of anchoring

This technique comes from Neuro Linguistic Programming, but it has taken root in the actor's world, because it is easy to get help at the right emotional state and its essence in the performance of certain rituals. Recall a time in the past when you felt a particular emotion. Close your eyes, lost in memories and find the necessary feeling inside. When the emotion will obtain sufficient brightness, do something: cross your fingers or jump a little bit. To fix this exercise need to be done several times the effect. Now you can easily enter in your desired emotional state when required. Need something special? Check out our top web cam sites list!

2. Think about the interlocutor

This is necessary in order to get a better feel it, understand how he breathes. By reading the emotional state of another, assuming that he feels you understand when you're close. And this inner affinity with others will allow you to better identify emotions.

3. Interact

Express your emotions by engaging in the process of your environment. Do not be afraid to be bright, noticeable, flashing colors. Your emotions come to life through interaction with those around you.

4. Develop body plasticity

The postures, gait, facial expressions, gestures - all these matters and must comply with the emotions that you show. And it's not only those cases where we do not have the words or words are not needed. The body first responds what we feel and look responsible at any movement. Try to say something without words, using only your body, this way may be the most common story about how did you get to work today. Do you feel a bunch of eyes, lips, posture? Where are your hands? With webcamsites you’ll find only best live web cam chat. 

5. Experiment with the palette of emotions

Basic emotions that are was researched by Paul Ekman, - is a joy, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, contempt. There are no limits to: express shock, boredom, aggression, thrill, forgiveness, jealousy, sympathy, hope, enthusiasm, relief, tenderness and so on.

6. Watch for other

See how others tell stories, tell bad news, and speak to the audience. Try to guess what kind of emotions they are experiencing at the same time, what their gestures showing and facial expressions. Watching others will increase your emotional intelligence. A video view, where you in the lead role, will enable it to capture that you are missing.


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