Tips for Safe Online Chatting With Strangers

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Chatting with strangers from different corners of the world and getting to know people with different cultures and different life experiences is one of the greatest gifts of the internet and social media in general. A people’s person is sure to take an avid interest in getting to know different people on social media and best live webcam chat, sharing views, exchanging stories and learning life lessons. All of these factors are extremely beneficial to expanding one’s mind and gaining greater insight into people of different cultures but there is a dark and ugly side to online interactions as well.

Burying one’s head in the sand and not acknowledging these well-documented problems is not the solution and doesn’t promote safety or self-preservation so it’s important to keep in mind certain precautions to be taken while communicating with strangers online. Chatting with strangers online is no more restricted to chat-sites as more and more people are looking to social media to expand their friends-circle and enjoy a virtual social life. Chatting is also not restricted to one on one communications but also interactions within different online groups and communities. Online bullying, needless trolling, sexual harassment and fraud are some of the pitfalls of communicating with strangers online and we have to be prepared to deal with these problems. Listed below are tips and precautions to keep in mind while chatting with strangers online and communicating on social media.

  • One of the pitfalls of social media is random strangers sending messages to your inbox trying to start up conversations. This issue is mainly faced by women and the perpetrators are mostly men. In such circumstances, it is important to remember that there is no need for you to engage with such people. Simply block and move on however it is a good idea to report such activity to moderators of the site. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites do have a block and report feature. Most chat sites do too.
  • Even If you have initiated a chat or accepted the invitation to chat with a stranger based on shared interests, it is important to stick to the topic at hand and avoid sharing personal details. We often strike up acquaintances with people within groups and communities that we are a part of on social media and this may lead to one on one interactions but its best to avoid giving away personal information like phone numbers, addresses, and financial information.
  • The internet is a great medium for commerce and many individuals take advantage of this fact to promote their own small-scale business endeavors. There is a good chance that you might be interested in an item being sold online on Facebook or other similar sites and after chatting with the vendor you might be interested in making a purchase. Do so only if there is a pay on delivery option. Do not make payments to individuals that you do not know personally for any reason whatsoever.
  • If you are the parent with children who have access to the internet including chat sites and social media. It is important to supervise their online communications at all times.

Do not engage with trolls and bullies online for your mental peace and to ensure that your social media and chat-site interactions are never an unpleasant experience.

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