3 kinds people, with whom we have to break up

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People go out of our lives, so it is arranged. We lose friends, relatives, ourselves, finally. How to deal with it, without losing courage and compassion? This story writer Danny Shapiro.

Danny Shapiro writer speculates that the loss of life her inevitable; the question is how we will be able to survive and understand them. It even offers a kind of typology of losses, which sooner or later faces all of us. Learn more with our random webcam chat blog.

1. Other, proved to be unreliable

Each of us has experienced it at least once and some more than once. A friend with whom we can laugh or cry together, to work side by side and still somewhere in the depths of the soul, intuitively, we felt that he was not wholly on our side. He could be a very good man. Perhaps he did not want to hurt us. And yet he did. I grabbed him up and vaguely heard whispers friend Helen: she asked how old my son. Then I saw in the mirror, Helen whispered in response: "Two years," rolled her eyes and shook her head. It was a terrible moment. It is judged and evaluated, not showing thus the slightest empathy. Then I told her to say it, she apologized in every way, I accepted her apology ... but I knew that to the old relations of no return. It was only one lesson in a series of many, who taught me to choose whom it can safely be let into my life. The lesson I learned.

2. The other, which we have not able to appreciate

With Sarah, we met in college and immediately became friends. I thought this friendship for life. But after college we parted ways. I went to New York to pursue a career. Sarah left home much earlier and I got married and became a mother. The friendship of the same career, life in the neighborhood is not the main thing. The emotional connection is more important Years passed, and we seem to be was less common. I am becoming more estranged from it; I have ceased to respond to her calls. I was too young to understand that old friends - the ones who can remind us of what we once were. Until then I did not reach that our success, progress will not abort the proximity with those who remember us at the start and helps you see which way we did. I did not know that friendship there are things more important than the similarities of life. The same career, life in the neighborhood, the same school in which our children go - are not important. Our spiritual relationship with Sarah was much more important.

3. The person we CAN NOT let in Your Life

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine it, needless to say aloud the name. Perhaps you are married. Or he is married. Or both of you are not free. In his fantasies, you sometimes draw imagine what life might be with him. However, in reality, we are not willing to destroy it for the sake of their well-being. When your eyes meet, both of you understand everything. Sometimes you think that really so terrible, if we allow ourselves to something more? But you know the answer and keep your distance. Leave this fantasy. It will not last long. Now open your eyes. And think about how lucky you are.

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