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Who controls whom we our desires or wishes us? Requirements underlying our desires, determined by biological, evolutionary, but the form of their implementation can be both authentic and imposed upon man. On the stupid questions can be given only stupid answers or devalue the question, saying he was stupid, not sweating over his decision, and to live, and struggling not to notice these issues. For me the answer is that our desire to create us and we create our desires. It semi-creative process. Check out best webcam sites blog! And the greater the degree of awareness is the higher probability of an adequate management of this process...

In many ways, our desires are not ours

It is the desire of our parents, native TV, favorite magazines and mythical heroes. If we do not notice, it says only that these desires are imposed on us professionally. Similarly, techniques are taught to achieve the desires of encouraging training. Going on about their desires and achieve what you want, and do not see the obstacles - that's the essence of life. Those who do not see obstacles, eventually fall under a tram desires. Joy in credit is very important to distinguish between destructive desires of the vital. Although the achievement of both the other gives momentary gratification, they are different in their nature and effects. What are the difference destructive desires of the vital? Destructive much easier to meet and it does not require any effort. Satisfaction is taken in debt, but under the fraudulent interest for that person then pays the price of his life. Therefore, on the one hand, a man committed to such desires, and on the other hand, hates them, knowing his weakness. The most common examples of satisfaction destructive desires - it is alcohol, drugs and ... a love relationship. First, they give a buzz on credit, but then take a huge interest. is the place where dreams comes true


Desirable "WORKSHOP” if we want something, it is appropriate to ask ourselves the question: why do we need it? The honest answer some sobering. You will need: a sheet of paper and a pencil. Bbw chat zone is the place for those, who like juicy girls!


 Write on the sheet at the top of the question: "What you are now most want in life?" Then, specify and write down the answer to this question. Below, write a question: "Why?" To the answer and then ask the question "Why?" In relation to this answer. As a result, you get to what lies behind the facade desire or what it really means to you. Sometimes there are amusing discoveries.

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