Reverse psychology in relationships

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Reverse psychology is the psychology of this section, used to offer human belief statements contrary to those you want to impress him. Psychology "reverse" is a simple but effective way of manipulation that is useful to you in any relationship. By the way, before I forget, check out our best video chat list - there are some interesting updates ;)

Thus, we consider the steps required to master the science of using reverse psychology.

Step 1: Proper selection of the test. This method of exposure is not valid at all. The easiest way to lend itself to manipulation in this style a large category of people who do not like when they are ordered to do anything. Give an example of a snap is teen’s transition to adulthood. They fundamentally will not agree with you and do the opposite that in fact, is the basis of this method. And anyone with a slightly inflated self-esteem or high self-interest will be susceptible to the methods of reverse psychology.
Step 2. Correct the condition of the subject. The response to your manipulation to be ill-considered, and therefore, instantaneous and spontaneous. Therefore, wait until the other person starts to exhibit irritability - then the likelihood that it will become your mind, especially not hesitate, will be much higher.
Step 3: From thought to action. When the source has reached the desired state of keyed up, start contrary to his point of view. The main thing is not to change the tone of conversation, or partner instinctively pays attention on it. If the tone of the conversation will remain the same, then the source and did not notice how quickly and passionately he starts to defend your point of view. Another version of reverse psychology is to concede defeat. Enemy ego may begin to put pressure on his conscience and force you to give up. Selfish usually like to be generous is for them it is one more reason for narcissism.
Step 4. More pressure. Go to cry. Explicitly prohibit the other party to do what he just did not want to. The reaction will be to you clearly on the hand.
Step 5. Blame person lies and weaknesses. Control shot is a few high-profile offensives to human approval. As we remember, we are in conversation with an egoist, and stung his personality make him go to great lengths to prove that you are wrong. The phrase "You never bring their case to the end!" And other similar statements it will finally win a partner.
Step 6: Follow your own promises. Many, seeing the result immediately give up and change their minds. In any case, you can’t concede - it's just negate all previous achievements and make the interlocutor sure he is right even more.

If you are unable to defend your views in all circumstances, it is better not to handle the use of reverse psychology: Perhaps the situation will become even worse. And do not overdo it: such manipulation in any case should not lead to a deterioration of your relationship, or they automatically become meaningless. There is another method, but it works only in some cases is the method of direct prohibition. Just tell the man: "Don’t do it, you!" On unpleasant or complicated things it does not apply is the interlocutor here happily obeys you. We sincerely hope that this method will help you.

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