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Good relations - the main source of happiness in life. Coach Bell Gandhi reveals 15 secrets that will help strengthen the relationship with your partner, friends, children, colleagues and himself. From time to time, even the most strong and harmonious relationships are failing. We can avoid this, if we pay relationships with loved ones just 60 seconds a day. If you are looking for something interesting – learn more with our best webcam sites blog.

  1. Send the message that you like about him or how well you have been together. Remind your partner about the highlights of your life together, and you charge it and yourself with positive energy.
  2. Remember a drink, snack or dessert love your partner. Go to the store to buy it. These small tokens are important to the relationship. People love when they are cared for and remember about their tastes and preferences.
  3. To revive friendships, others simply send a short message. It is possible to write: "Today I heard your favorite song on the radio and realized how I want to see you. I miss you, hope to see you soon. "
  4. Send your girlfriend flowers for no reason. Attach the card to the bouquet, which will be written about how much she means to you.
  5. Leave the best friend a voice message that you're singing or just talking about how you feel about it. She will listen to the audio recording and smile.
  6. Put in a lunchbox son or daughter a note with fun emoticons. It is important for kids to feel your love and protection.
  7. Make your child for breakfast or dinner edible picture. Even simple emoticons and hearts cause a smile.
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  9. Buy a treat for the members of his team. This can be something as simple and inexpensive: cookies, donuts or chocolate. Joint tea promotes good relations in the team.
  10. Send to a colleague who has helped you, a message of thanks. In the subject write "Thank you." The recipient is sure to read this letter.
  11. I sincerely thank the boss. Bosses are rarely praised, and it's nice to know that they are valued, respected and loved.
  12. Make a list of seven things that make you happy. Try every day to carry out one item from the list for the week.
  13. giving more pleasant than to receive. Pay for a cup of coffee a person who came into the cafe after you. This gesture will make a stranger smile, his smile warms your heart and your day goes well for sure.
  14. Write down five of their positive qualities on a sheet of paper the size of a credit card. Put in your wallet. Every time pay by card, re-read what is written on the sheet. It increases self-esteem and improves mood.

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