How difficult such question as sex for men?

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Be always ready for sexes, to be insatiable, want to do it always and everywhere ... Stereotypes about male sexuality are often a source of anxiety and problems with potency. Sexologist Catherine Solano parses basic fears and ways to confront them. Read more on our blog and visit our top webcam sites.

1. He's afraid that cannot control the erection

For the male, the feeling of control over his member equivalent to the feeling of a power. At least in this convince his surroundings, advertising agents for potency and worldly wisdom. But as a result of such installation has become one of the main causes of stress and low self-esteem. One thought that he cannot demonstrate his beloved force may result in loss of erection. This fear often leads to problems with potency in men: a failure entails anxiety and anxiety create self-doubt.

What to do?

Stress is the main enemy of erection. Give partner feel comfortable during sex. Do not judge his "endurance", hold on the jokes on this subject. Advice for men: try a special relaxation practice. Meditation, yoga, abdominal breathing are all helps to reduce stress and better control the body.

2. He is afraid of comparisons with other

"My ex-did it better" - a phrase that almost every man is afraid to hear. Although often in a form nobody says, a hint of inconsistency given by someone bracket may reduce men mad. During the consultations, many admit that they would like the partner with a little experience, not only to be tormented by doubts and suspicions.

What to do?

Do not criticize what makes a partner, even more so do not to deride it and gives the example of his past experience. If you still want to change something, say in the form of wishes: "You know I would be very pleased if you could ..." Do not forget to praise your partner when he manages to please you (but be honest, do not flatter). If you want to have some fun – try our bbw web cam chat.

3. He is afraid that there will be preparing for the second time

After orgasm, a man occurs during discharge: relaxes the scrotum, and testicles descend down a sexual desire for some time dulled due to the release of pleasure hormones. The time it takes to restore, at everyone - it can be a couple of minutes or a few hours. Moreover, only this time the age increases. This is a natural physiological process, but some men require constant willingness itself to new feats.

What to do?

There are the lot of other ways to prolong the pleasure. Try slow sex; take breaks, change postures and ways of stimulation. So you not only donate partner fuller feeling and open yourself access to more vivid sensations.

4. He is afraid to admit that he does not know how to give you pleasure

Many men come to the consultation with complaints that they cannot satisfy their partner. They are depressed, they doubt their attractiveness. They are asked to give them a drug that magically gives them the ability to bring to orgasm any woman.

What to do?

When we first sit behind the wheel of the car, we have a long time to master, to adjust to his size, learn to pedal smoothly and naturally, before the road will feel confident and at ease. Sexually, we cannot be skillful with the first movement too. Only by examining the body of our partners, we understand how it works, what and how to respond.

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