Two awkward stories about online dating

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Online dating is always a mystery. You up to the last can not be aware of how in fact is your companion. Sometimes dating in the real world may even be a danger, but most likely they become a strange story. Here are some of them.

Don’t play some easy to get

After several conversations with a girl in a chat a guy invites her out to a restaurant nearby to meet in person and talk. When she came here the guy was sitting inside and eating his dinner. Not very polite, isn’t it? She ordered a drink, as her spokesman has not offered her a dinner. After he had finished dinner the guy stood up and said: “So where are we going: to your home or my?”

Too much nerves?

A guy asked one girl for a date after conversation in chat. She strongly late and asked him to wait for some time, explaining that she was too nervous before a date with him. The boy waited for an hour, but later found out that in fact his girlfriend at the time had sex with another.

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